Since moving to DC a year ago and realizing how expensive beauty salons are here (relaxers start at $65 and go up depending on length), I decided to go ahead and make the transition from relaxed to natural. My last relaxer was in February of this year so I'm going on 8 months creamy-crack free.
Some days I'll rock a straight style, thanks to my beloved hot pink Chi. Other days I'll just throw it up wet and curly into a ponytail and go. I'm used to having length so I'm not sure the BC (big chop) is really an option for me, but in the meantime I've been scouring YouTube for transition styles and product ideas. I came across one style posted by LexiWithTheCurls and I decided to give it a try.
My hair was already dry since I started this at the end of the day, so I just re-wet it with a mixture of olive oil and water, and then used Curls Whipped Cream to help set the twists. I must be getting old because it was only 6 braids but by the time I finished I felt like I was suffering from arthritis! Definitely need more practice...
I chose to sleep on it overnight to let it dry as opposed to sitting under a dryer as suggested in a few of the videos. I'm participating in a 3-month hair challenge led by another blogger ("Take Back Your Hair" Challenge) in which we can only use heat styling twice during the entire time, so I wasn't ready to use up one of my freebies just yet.
I took it down the next day, separated a few of the curls, and this is what the end result looked like:
I'm used to wearing my hair really flat and straight, so this was a little fuller than I'm used too, but I have to admit I was really feeling it after I saw the end result. The only thing I would change is next time I'll probably do the twists a little smaller (heaven help my poor fingers), but this is a style I'll definitely rock again. :-)
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