Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Some things just seem so unreachable.  Some things you wish you could plug the location into a gps and navigate your way there.  Some places once you get there you wish you could simply make a few clicks and clean it away as easy as a virus on a computer.  


This thing that you never invited into your body, into your heart, moves in and takes over, affecting all other systems and causing them to function in a way not intended.  If only there was an easy way to say you’re not welcome, you gotta go, and then promptly see it to the door.

Its hurts to give someone your all, flaws and all, only to realize they don’t care to give you the same.  When you deal with things that you know you don’t deserve, all in the name of love, only to have them walk away with no issues.  It hurts because you always want to believe that if we really ‘do unto others’, then we’ll receive the love we give on the same level.  Is it even possible?  Does that even exist, or is it just a fairy tale?

In the middle of it (pain) its hard to see the end. Its hard to believe that this too shall pass, that you will get through to feel happiness and  joy again, maybe even love again.  But deep down you know the truth.  After the tears have fallen and you have a moment to be still, you know. 

You will get through it. 

You will survive, like you always do, because you are a survivor.  God will never bring you through anything you can’t handle, and each situation is a stepping stone to higher ground.  Those who have left you, mistreated and hurt you will also know.  Know they made a mistake.  And when they realize it, you will have moved on. On to better things.  On to bigger things.  Vengeance is mine said the Lord.  All things work for the good of those who love Him…who believe.  

So believe.  

And then believe some more...  

This too WILL pass…

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, 
courage to change the things I can, 
and the wisdom to know the difference. 

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