Thursday, July 8, 2010

Never a Right Time... say good bye...

So obviously the break didn't work.  2 days into it he ended up calling me and telling me how miserable he was, that not having me to talk to or 'completely' in his life was too hard.  So I said fine, forget the break.  But didnt take a day for us to be back at it again.  Or maybe I should say for him to be on my nerves again and we were arguing.

Maybe the problem is me.  I feel it in my heart that I need to let it go, heard the words come out of my mouth, that we need to let it go, but still can't silence the voice that asks "Are you sure?"

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Time To Regroup

So finally something had to give.  In all our talks it finally took my mom to get him to realize that sometimes when you try your hardest to hold tightly on to something you cause the very thing to happen that you were trying to prevent.

 I went home for a week Memorial Day and I won't say we argued the whole time but it was definitely tense.  I stayed with him this time instead of with my mom like I usually do, and just tried to make time to see everybody more than once while I was there.  First major argument came after a trip to the mall when he took me shopping.
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